ROBO PROGO (For confident multipliers) The robot (it is quite `armless) needs your help. It has to get to the charger to re-charge its batteries. It needs your help to build a bridge across the gap that seperates it from the charger. The robot has a scanner which will tell you how far away the charger is. You then need to calculate 1: A suitable length for each section of the bridge. 2: How many of the sections you need to bridge the gap. For example..... If the scanner measured the gap as 42 you could have 1 piece 42 units long or 2 X 21 units or 6 X 7 units or conversely 7 X 6 units or 21 X 2 units or 42 single units. The pieces take a while to make and position. A single piece 42 units long would be too heavy and unwieldy to work with. A piece 21 units long would take a while to make and 42 single units would take ages to position. So your best bet is the 6 X 7 or the 7 X 6 variation. You control the programme by clicking on the panel in the middle of the screen. You can... SCROLL RIGHT - lets you see how far you have to go. Gives an impression of the relative distances involved. Release to return. SCAN DISTANCE - tells you the size of the gap. This will also tell you if you have gone too far. The HELP button will throw up a table which may help. Click OK to continue. ENTER ANSWER - type in the size of section and number needed. Press Return to enter your answer. Use backspace key to erase mistakes. Click on cancel if you change your mind. BUILD A BRIDGE - start construction and the robot walks to the end of each new section. SCORES & EXIT - Click QUIT to.... Click YOUR SCORE for... Click SET LIMIT to.. Click CLEAR LIMIT to.. Does anybody read this stuff? The HELP button produces a 10 X 15 table. This will not contain all the answers. If you use it your score shrinks every time the alarm sounds. You can add together numbers in a column to find an answer. Otherwise start dividing to find a good one... The score is calculated from how much power is left when you reach the charger. As the questions vary a deal the score is for an individuals use only. It should not be used for any comparative purposes. The questions are drawn at random. If you wish to limit them to a specific multiple then click on SET LIMIT either on the START screen or from the SCORES & EXIT screen. CLEAR LIMIT returns you to a random selection. If the user finds the power runs out too quickly you can double it by NOTTUB ESUOM THGIR EHT HTIW GNIKCILC EHT NO XOB OGORPOBOR POT EHT NO NEERCS TRATS